Monday, 2 April 2012

How TheRatsBack (real name Duncan Barkes?) was outed as the owner of MorrisseysWorld and more.

We've finally heard back from @sweetestflower, who is claiming to be Morrissey. His story:

-He went onto the Morrissey's World website last week.
-TheRatsBack, the only person in the chat, left as soon as @sweetestflower logged in with the name "Morrissey".
-Less than five seconds later, someone by the name of "cleaner" appeared and posted dozens of messages in less than a minute to clear out the remnants of an older conversation TheRatsBack had been having in the chat. All the "cleaner" messages simply contained a full stop.
-"cleaner" left and "TheQueen" appeared.
-"Morrissey" tried to leave a message in the chat and found he was banned.

With TheRatsBack, under the guise of cleaner/TheQueen, being the only other person present, he concluded TheRatsBack is the owner of MorrisseysWorld, independently confirming what other people have suspected for months.

The question arises: why did TheRatsBack wipe out the chat log the minute "Morrissey" appeared and then banned him from speaking? Wiping out the chat log suggests he didn't want the real Morrissey (even if @sweetestflower isn't the real Morrissey) to see what he'd said, but then forbidding him from leaving a comment suggests he holds some kind of grudge against him. Did TheRatsBack create MorrisseysWorld because of some vendetta against the former Smiths frontman?

Duncan Barkes had expressed a year ago his desire to interview Moz but he refused, which is why he had to settle for Dickie Felton, who has met Moz on several occasions. If TheRatsBack is Duncan Barkes, did he steal aspects of Dickie Felton's personality to cover his own identity to gain Morrissey's attention? What better way, in his mind, for him to do that than to take on the identity of a high profile superfan who Moz liked in order to pimp MorrisseysWorld? Morrissey would then be directed there and gain his attention or ire, as he intended.

So is it Duncan? Revisited.

It must be noted that TheRatsBack stated last week that he is going on vacation this week: incidentally Duncan Barkes has started a new radio program weeknights from 1am-4am. A "vacation" would be the perfect cover for acclimating oneself to a graveyard shift.

Barkes works at LBC in Covent Gardens, London. One of the first hits to this blog was from Covent Gardens moments after it went live. TheRatsBack made it known he had already visited this blog by the time the Covent Gardens visit had been recorded, one of the first four to this site.


  1. It's really laughable, a ha ha ha ha ha, oh, ho, ho, ho, ho:

  2. Interesting stuff! Why did you stop?
