Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Dickie Felton

Dickie Felton is the author of the self-published book "The Day I Met Morrissey" and a self-described Morrissey obsessive. He has been brought up as the likely identity of TheRatsBack. Some evidence in support of this theory includes:

-Felton was at the same Great Yarmouth Pier gig as TRB. Like TRB, he has an esoteric and otherwise unheard of obsession with that day. Felton not only lept onto the stage (as TRB has said he did) but met Morrissey on the pier.

-When he tells the story of when he met Morrissey he says he was walking "down the pier". One of TRB's twitter aliases is "UpThePier".

Read interview here

-Like TRB, he worked in radio.

-As TRB refers to Morrissey as the Mozziah, Felton consistently refers to him as the Mozfather. And like TRB, he always refers to Morrissey fandom in religious terms. From the interview above, Felton says: "For some disciples meeting Morrissey is like a religious experience."

-And just like TRB, Felton claims that Morrissey speaks to him via 'secret messages' in song. (In fact, TRB's entire belief that MW is Morrissey is via these kinds of secret messages.) While the above similarities may be written off as coincidence, this similarity is highly unusual if not unique, making for a very convincing argument that Felton is TRB.

-There is a user on twitter named certifiabletoe with only 8 followers, 6 of whom are people who follow MW. One of the two exceptions is Dickie Felton. How did Dickie Felton's official twitter end up in the fold? Dickie Felton has, to our knowledge, never acknowledged the MW saga, which is unbelievable since he, by his own account, lives and breathes Morrissey and is on twitter frequently.

- certifiable toe has the following traits: like TRB, certifiabletoe is bigoted against non-white ethnic groups. Like Felton he is a Liverpool supporter. (One MW follower has noted that TRB is disappointed when Liverpool does not win.) Felton on the other hand has not made his views on multiculturalism known; strangely, he has a BA in Race Relations, making the topic one he is at least interested in.

So considering that Dickie Felton is one of the eight people certifiabletoe follows on Twitter, why does he send Dickie racist tweets? It's random for someone to send tweets of this nature if he did not have some prior connection to the recipient. And if this is not so, why choose Felton and not any of the MW followers? It must be noted these disgusting comments came two weeks after MW joked about Whitney Houston's death in a manner many thought was racist. TheRatsBack not only defended MW but also made comments on racial matters on his own blog that upset some.

Below certifiable alleges he was arrested for singing "National Front Disco", which is hard to believe. Note the racial slur, the use of which TRB has thought of trivially in the past.

Here are 6 of the 8 people certifiabletoe follows.

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