Tuesday, 13 March 2012


TheRatsBack has been touted among many people as the author of Morrissey's World. Some facts on TRB:

-He writes a daily blog obsessively combing over every occurrence on MW's blog and twitter. Other posts include imaginary conversations between him and a therapist about having a Morrissey obsession.

-He's fixated on Morrissey's May 2009 performance at Great Yarmouth Pier, where he claims he jumped on stage and grabbed Morrissey's leg.

-He is notorious for having multiple identities on both the blog and Twitter. His other names include: UpThePier (in reference to the venue where he grabbed Morrissey's leg), and JodyRoad. There are likely many more.

-He used to work in radio.

-He holds racist views about British immigration:

-He always refers to Morrissey in messianic terms, 'The Mozziah'. He never calls him Morrissey.

-He claims to be associated with the Isle of Wight, though as his various twitter accounts suggest, he frequently fabricates personal details about himself such as location. JodyRoad was supposedly in Illinois, USA.

-He may be dyslexic.

-He wants to be a writer, and alluded to working to start his career as one in January 2012, even though making a living as a writer on such short notice is virtually impossible.

TRB's poor writing skills are perhaps the greatest argument against him being behind MW. While the quality of writing on MW once held depth, many think it has declined in recent months; despite this, many people believe TRB to be incapable of writing MW. The alternative theory is that TRB's grammatical and spelling mistakes are deliberate, so that he may cover his identity and seem less verbose than he really is.

The next post is devoted to Morrissey fan Dickie Felton, who some believe is TheRatsBack. Certainly, if TRB is Dickie Felton, and the odds seem to be high given the match up of information, one must consider that Dickie Felton seemingly has no grammar or spelling problems.

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