Marcus Markou popped up in the MW saga out of the blue in early 2012. An unknown playwright, within weeks of befriending TRB on Twitter, he invited TRB to his film's test screening. TRB is otherwise highly duplicitous and deceitful in regards to his identity: why would he readily meet Markou when he won't give anyone else even his first name?
Keep in mind as you read the below quotes that Morrissey's World is often touted by its author as an online satirical Morrissey website and Twitter where this fake Morrissey gets to interact with Morrissey's real fans.
Here are descriptions of Markou's plays from his Wikipedia page:
"Age-Sex-Location, his play about chat rooms and virtual worlds,"
A review of another play, Ordinary Worlds:
"A bourgeois sitcom with a macabre heart and a central character who responds to stress by indulging in a satirical dream-life".
Is MW a free experiment for Markou to study human behavior for a future project?
Markou in an interview:
"If we could dramatise journalistic pieces, why not emails, chat rooms and websites?
"Richard and I worked on the script together for a year, researching the Internet and developing the characters."
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