Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Some facts about Morrissey's World.

For those not familiar with the situation, an outline of some facts:

-Morrissey's World began blogging in 2009, but of all the fans who are aware of the blog, most discovered it in August-September of 2011. The person who runs the blog also has a Twitter account.

-Morrissey has declared on True-To-You four times since that the MW blog is not his. In the most recent instance, as of this writing, he says the blog is "dangerous" and "has caused me problems". Out of respect for him, one must conclude he is being sincere.

-Someone who goes by the name of "TheRatsBack" on his blog and on Twitter obsessively follows every occurrence related to MW, including the number of new Twitter followers he has, the identities of other people who communicate with MW, and the comments they make. TheRatsBack is highly secretive about his identity.

-MW has promised on numerous occasions to prove he is Morrissey via a series of 'predictions' and 'signs', most of which never come true. The few that do may be attributed to cold reading, a common technique of fraudulent psychics: in this case, many of the 'signs' are actually predictable gestures that Morrissey has made on stage for years.

-In late 2011, MW finally admitted the blog and Twitter were parodies, yet people continued to believe this was a 'sign', believing Morrissey's official denouncements of the blog were proof it was him.

-MW once tweeted while Morrissey was on stage in South America, disproving it is him. However, the possibility remains the person impersonating him somehow knows him.

This blog attempts to shine a light on some probable suspects.

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